Public Notice


The Department of Environmental Protection (“Department”) gives notice of agency action of entering into a Consent Order with CITY OF PANAMA CITY BEACH pursuant to section 120.57(4), Florida Statutes. The Consent Order addresses the sanitary sewer overflows occurring from the domestic wastewater treatment plant and its collection system at 206 N Gulf Blvd, Panama City Beach in Bay County, Florida. The Consent Order is available for public inspection during normal business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except legal holidays, at the Department of Environmental Protection, Northwest District Office at 160 West Government Street, Suite 308, Pensacola, Florida 32502-5740.

Persons who are not parties to this Consent Order, but whose substantial interests are affected by it, have a right to petition for an administrative hearing under sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. Because the administrative hearing process is designed to formulate final agency action, the filing of a petition concerning this Consent Order means that the Department’s final action may be different from the position it has taken in the Consent Order.

The petition for administrative hearing must contain all of the following information:

  1. The name and address of each agency affected and each agency’s file or identification number, if known;
  2. The name, address, any e-mail address, any facsimile number, and telephone number of the petitioner, if the petitioner is not represented by an attorney or a qualified representative; the name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner’s representative, if any, which shall be the address for service purposes during the course of the proceeding; and an explanation of how the petitioner’s substantial interests will be affected by the agency determination;
  3. A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the agency decision;
  4. A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are none, the petition must so indicate;
  5. A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, including the specific facts the petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification of the agency’s proposed action;
  6. A statement of the specific rules or statutes the petitioner contends require reversal or modification of the agency’s proposed action, including an explanation of how the alleged facts relate to the specific rules or statutes; and
  7. A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action petitioner wishes the agency to take with respect to the agency’s proposed action.

The petition must be filed (received) at the Department’s Office of General Counsel, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, MS# 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399‑3000 or received via electronic correspondence at, within 21 days of receipt of this notice. A copy of the petition must also be mailed at the time of filing to the District Office at 160 West Government Street, Suite 308, Pensacola, Florida 32502-5740. Failure to file a petition within the 21-day period constitutes a person’s waiver of the right to request an administrative hearing and to participate as a party to this proceeding under sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. Before the deadline for filing a petition, a person whose substantial interests are affected by this Consent Order may choose to pursue mediation as an alternative remedy under section 120.573, Florida Statutes. Choosing mediation will not adversely affect such person’s right to request an administrative hearing if mediation does not result in a settlement. Additional information about mediation is provided in section 120.573, Florida Statutes and Rule 62-110.106(12), Florida Administrative Code.